"Let's take a walk", they said, and I believed them for half a second. Enough for me to say a quick yes. And only then I've seen the twinkle in their eyes...
It's been snowing for a couples of hours, but it's still warm for this time of year. No crispy snow under my boots, no snowmen in the backyard. Still, this could become interesting for me too.
I take my camera hoping to get nice pictures of the trees, hoping to learn more about it (and to step out of the automatic mode I use when I'm in a hurry...ahem) and glad to be out of the house without a reason. For a WALK, or so they said.
But when I reach the park with the giggling squirrels, they spin around a few times and become...rabbits! And they are fast.

As for my walk? Well, it'll have to wait. My photo experiments also.
A change of rhythm? YES.
With all my heart.