vineri, 25 noiembrie 2011

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011

I speak picturish

When you know reading is special. When you feel there's so much love in reading. When you know reading is spending a lot of time together. Sharing is caring and reading for friends is priceless...

miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

Tea anyone?

She woke up early: "Mummy, do you want some tea?"

And I see her getting busy, moving quickly but always with a reason, picking from a (considerable) pile only the dishes we need.

My, my, there's the tea, ready to be served. I swallow hard - there's so much pink on that table. She even managed to get a tablecloth. (wasn't it my clean dishtowel from the kitchen?! eh...details...)

But she is still busy, still not ready. And just when I was about to ask, she handed me another cup: "That's mummy's coffee" Still pink, but at least the cup doesn't match the plate anymore. That's more like it! Or rather...that's more like me.
She sips from her cup and I start looking around for my other coffee (you know, the one that smells like Irish Cream). But the 30 seconds are gone and she has some other idea: "Mummy, wanna play Casper?".

I didn't get to say anything back. Whatever was left on the table came crushing down and then a little ghost was on the other side of the table.

"Hello, my name is Casper. Do you want to be my friend?" -- Oh, yes!

No tea, no coffee, but we do know how to party.

marți, 15 noiembrie 2011

Best lunch

For the best lunch:

call your friends because you have important questions to ask, like "Cat, where is Snoopy?/ Cat, have you seen Snoopy?" (a beloved cat in the family, for those who don't know)

share your food because your friends are so hungry (and so loud when hungry)

eat what's left if you remember while you still have it...

luni, 14 noiembrie 2011

A needed hat

Now what was it that I said a few days ago?

That I am a practical Mama, that I don't do things my kids don't need, that I don't have time to knit any extras...Right?!

Therefore I know nothing about this new hat.

Only that...she didn't have any this color, this size, this warm... Ok, maybe I know a thing or two.

What I don't get, is why this hat didn't make it on her head. Despite the way she's wearing it, it's a hat, I'm telling you.
One she absolutely needed.

Just as Mummy needed those two hours (the yarn was bulky this time) to:

:: just sit down,

:: pretend not to pay attention to their game,

:: listen to the unique way they re-tell the night stories,

:: let a busy day melt into a peaceful night,

:: soak in the warmth of the house (after finishing the outside chores)

So you see, the hat was needed.

vineri, 11 noiembrie 2011

miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011

3 hours... and a half

Being always on the run may give one strange ideas: like transforming a baby hat!

Knitters and crafty Mammas don't do that because kids are such a wonderful reason to knit more and new things. Even when they don't need more or new things. Just for the fun of it, just for the making. But my practical side won this game: last year's "3 hrs hat" got some unraveling and a few more raws were added.

A half an hour later... she had a new hat. Well, you know, that sort of new...

... that mummy loves and that the girl bearly notices.

marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

The Remnants of the Summer

Preparing the garden for the winter is definitely more work, but a dear reminder of all those Summer days full of busy hands, big and small, full of chattering, laughter, flavours and colours. The dazeling sunlight and the peaceful shade under the trees. The flow of questions - too many to be answered, but I did my best.

It's time for one last harvest.

A small one, but leaving aside the taste, one very dear to us. "Because these are our tomatoes." We all worked hard for them. Some did the planning and the planting, others did the digging and some of the watering, some kept a close watch on them and others learned how to harvest them.

(harvesting green ones was puzzling: "But, Mummy, didn't you say they should be red?!" Ahem... The kid had a point.)

We canned some, froze others, hung some and eat some more.

And just when I was about to say that I was DONE with preserving the Summer in so many ways, I looked up:

Oh, yeah, more fun!
...but sweet.

miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011

Getting younger


Super bulky yarn and thickest knitting needles I have.

The busiest day of the week - but traffic jams are good for knitting ;)

Only superlatives for my dear friend getting younger this week.

(You are getting younger,Dana, aren't you?!)

marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

Piglet's philosophy

I don't mind the leaves that are leaving...

it's the leaves that are coming that bother me!!!

My, my, there's gonna be a busy week...