Outings are for letting them run ahead and see the delight in their eyes when they come back to show me this, or tell me that... Always.
Outings are for trying your strength, making new friends and.... yes, getting dirty doing all that. Always.
Water is fascinating when you grow up in a town like this. Sunrises on the beach, sunsets by the lake ever since you were a baby. And then holidays by streams and rivers. A mommy fascinated by waterfalls will drive you miles to take you see them. Always.
But every once in a while, although I understand them being fascinated by water, I would like them to come home dry! (not much to ask right?!)
I guess I found the biggest puddle in a parking lot in the area.
Things started to go into the water: pebbles, sticks, leaves. Some were sinking, some were floating at the surface. And then the idea came: let's make a boat!
A piece of wood and a leaf

gliding smoothly in the sun.
(Did I mention that my kids were dry in the end? )
And happy. And proud.
"Did you see Mommy what we made???"
Oh, yes. And I'm so glad and grateful for that.
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