Late mornings are filled with laughter, giggles and ... dilemmas.
Today it was about the breakfast.
After moving on past the
"to eat or not to eat" dilemma, we reached another one: gauffre or sponge cake?
Of course... Which brought a new one: cheese or jam?

And after negociating for 10 minutes each step (it takes a while to make such important decisions!) I am amazed how things fall nicely into place and she's licking her fingers in delight.

I take a sip of coffee and I smile: life is good.
I hope you are able to save these treasured moments until your kids are old enough to really appreciate them. I would love to be able to go back and see when I was that age. (Yes, they did have cameras back then. I think my parents took one photo of me every few years.)
RăspundețiȘtergereThat would be the plan, I hope technology helps. On the other hand, I still have parents around me who don't take pictures unless there is some event, the kids are looking at the camera and they are properly dressed. Which happens twice a year, let's face it! :))