Yes, there were windows missing. Yes, some walls are crumbling. I closed my eyes and I heard the waves and the wind. I opened my heart and the camera followed. In a flurry ride I found lines, corners, nooks, mirrors, shapes, slightly opened doors (just enough to stir me up) and spots of wall painting talking to me in a language I thought I had forgotten. The salty air was a constant reminder of how close the sea was.
I also remembered how much I love ruins (of all kinds or ages) and how often I find them in the pictures (that most of the time) I keep to myself. Can’t help it.
We got out but re-tuning was slow.
Fall has settled in.
cică aceste scări care se despart in doua ramuri se numesc imperiale... sau regale. in orice caz sunt locul ideal pentru printi si printese care plutesc in toalete de vis...
Ei, nu le sta rau nici celor trei cu casti colorate pe cap. Apropo, Andrei are casca?!
Oh, yeah, Andrei are casca! (poza sade marturie)Si chiar a fost multumim de incursiune. La fel si Clara, desi amadoi s-au incantat de chestii diferite. Iar eu de cu totul altele