marți, 23 decembrie 2014

The Eve before the Christmas Eve

We're at the end of a few very busy days, filled with joy - yes, and excitement - true,
but also
long hours spent in crazy traffic, long lists of "to do"-s, things that turn out ... their own way (which is not always the right way).

So at the end of the day - before the big day - I find myself under the tree, listening to the soothing sound of two kids sleeping and sipping my African tea.
Yeah, I know that this is a Christmas gift that I'm knitting and it's supposed to be due in a day or so. And I know I've only knitted 2 inches of it (and it's supposed to go around the neck and over the head...), but I take a deep breath.

And the time stops for a moment.

"Tomorrow is only a day away."

luni, 22 decembrie 2014

The loser takes... the pictures

Rehearsing carols, baking and chatting were the most important things to do around here these days. Oh, yes,  and playing...
Playing chess (not so often) , playing memo (every single day!), playing tangled monkeys (don't even try to imagine what that is), Playing Halli Galli, means that I have to put on hold whatever I'm doing - you know, that grown up stuff that ordinary people do before big celebrations - and pay attention to the game.

Some knitting had to be done, but only possible on slow games. (Ahem...)

Some phone calls were answered but only on speaker because otherwise I couldn't hold my cards right.

Some shopping lists were made  bending low under the Christmas tree. Careful not to write on the back of the game cards!

And at the end of the game...I still loose!
"Don't worry, Mom, you've still got your pictures!"