joi, 1 august 2013

Wandering Mole (2) - Siriu

On the 1st of August I was already away from home, but somehow in my mind this was the starting day of my holiday. Wow, a FULL month of wandering about, time spent together with my dear ones, hiking, camping and driving. Full in every regard. Over 30 days of busy Summer to soak in, to capture those small changes that always make a difference, to keep and cherish what doesn't change and gives structure, 30 days of loosening up… But being away also means spending even more time and energy in parenting. Meals are tricky, making sure that they each get that special toy, game, story that they love, smoothing things up and trying to help them solve whatever argument sibling life could bring takes longer than at home. “Mom, have you seen my…?” and “Mom, I need … Could you…?”
And because of this, the moments when I get to pause and feel are treasured. It could be about anything really.

Like today, when I left a traffic jam – not so willingly because I knew I had to go back to it later – just to admire the view.

 And to hear them chatter. ...

And to take more pictures.

 Sitting, thinking, dreaming on the side of the road just before getting back in the chaos.

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